The New Deal for Youth

We Are Revolutionary is proud to join A New Deal for Youth as a New York State Partner, as we share a common vision for creating a better future for young people in America. Our commitment to repairing families and empowering youth through political engagement aligns perfectly with ND4Y's mission to advocate for new systems, policies, investments, and structures that reimagine life for disconnected, disenfranchised, marginalized, misrepresented, and silenced youth.

As a New York State Partner, We Are Revolutionary will help recruit change makers, organize community events, protests, and education efforts to support the ND4Y campaign. We are dedicated to centering Indigenous and Black communities, youth of color, LGBTQIA+ youth, disabled folks, all immigrant communities (including undocumented young people), young parents, transition age youth, and foster care and former foster care youth. We understand the intersections of these identities, including gender and gender identity, and will work to ensure that all young people have equal access to resources and opportunities.

We Are Revolutionary is excited to be a part of the ND4Y movement and looks forward to working with other partners to create a world where all youth have the chance to thrive.