L.E.T.S. Save Lives
L.E.T.S. Save Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention for the Black Community is a presentation created by and for Black people, designed to reduce cultural stigma, foster conversations about mental health, and raise awareness of suicide prevention for individuals who identify as Black or African American. The program is grounded in research and delivered by trained presenters from the Black and African American community.
Participants will:
Learn the scope of suicide among the Black and African American population
Understand the racial and systemic factors that impact suicide in the Black and African American
Identify suicide risk and protective factors for Black and African American communities
Recognize warning signs of suicide
Gain confidence in talking to someone in suicidal distress
Learn how to connect someone with help
Participants will receive education on mental health and suicide prevention through activity-based learning, and take-home materials to use if needed in the future. The goal of this new program is to create conversations in Black communities around mental health and encourage help-seeking to prevent suicide and suicide attempts.
AFSP is committed to the equitable practice of ensuring programs are developed by the communities in which to serve. Therefore, this program was created by an Advisory Committee of experts in Black and African American mental health and suicide prevention, researchers, clinicians, survivors of suicide loss as well as those with lived experience. The visual design was developed in partnership with Joy Collective, a Black and woman-owned cultural marketing agency.